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september, 2016

24sepAll Day25Workplace Fairness Analyst TrainingFairness = Respect = Psychological Safety = Engagement = Success

Event Details

Fairness = Respect = Psychological Safety = Engagement = Success

The Workplace Fairness Institute is delighted to announce our 6th Annual Workplace Fairness Analyst Certification Seminar to be held in Toronto on September 24th and 25th, 2016.   We will be covering a number of topics designed to prepare you to participate in a Workplace Fairness Assessment and to implement the Psychological Safety Standard.  Some of these include:

  • Workplace culture identification
  • Sources of workplace conflict
  • Workplace Fairness Systems identification
  • Workplace Fairness System evaluation and diagnosis
  • Chartering an effective Fairness team in the workplace
  • Involving stakeholders in the design and implementation of fairness systems
  • The role of unions in achieving workplace fairness
  • Achieving Respectful Workplaces through our models
  • Restoring workplace health after trauma
  • Implementing the Psychological Safety Standard

This seminar is well suited to enhancing the work of:

  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Diversity Directors
  • Health and Safety Professionals
  • Union Representatives
  • Labour Relations Professionals
  • Labour and Human Rights Lawyers
  • Ombuds Professionals
  • Mediators, Investigators and Consultants

We have special guests Dr. Martin Shain and Ann Morgan (co-authors of the Psychological Safety Standard) who will be exploring the use of the Fairness Model as an implementation tool for the Standard.  Joining us to discuss the relationship between Workplace Fairness and Respect in the Workplace will be Brad Blaisdell, Managing Director Workplace Programs at Respect Group Inc. .  We will also have our own David Noganosh of the Anishinabek Nation with us to speak about our use of the Fairness Model in First Nations communities.  And finally we will have Mike Walker reporting on our work with family-owned enterprises.

Those who complete the program (and pay the fee) become certified as Workplace Fairness Analysts.  This designation WFA is growing in credibility among employers and organizations.  In addition, you will become a part of the ever-growing Workplace Fairness Community.  WFI is constantly evolving and the involvement of Analysts has been critical to our success.

We look forward to seeing you there!

PLACE: ADR Institute of Ontario Offices, 234 Eglinton Ave East, Ste 405, Toronto, Ontario.

TIME: 9 a.m. arrival, 9:30 a.m. start to 4:30 pm EST.

DATE: 24-25th September 2016.

NORMAL COST (Note student discount above): $600 + $128 + taxes per person [$128 is the one-time cost of books: Workplaces That Work ($98) and WFI White Paper ($30)]. Shipping is additional.

NOTE: To become a certified Workplace Fairness Analyst (WFA), there is additional fee of $200+ tax.

To sign up or for further details please contact:



september 24 (Saturday) - 25 (Sunday) EST


ADR Institute of Ontario Offices

234 Eglinton Ave East, Ste 405, Toronto, Ontario

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