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Welcome to Workplace Fairness West


Workplace Fairness West believes in psychological health and safety for every employee.  Our conflict resolution professionals have strong training in areas of facilitation, coaching, mediating, and providing Ombuds services.  We support  organizations to enhance and build strong conflict management systems that involve and engage employees. 

Workplace Fairness West works in conjunction with Blaine Donais, President and Founder of Workplace Fairness International

As a Canadian organization, with offices and associates located throughout this beautiful country, we wish to acknowledge that we are on traditional territories of the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.

Workplace Fairness in the News

Workplace Conflict can be difficult.  How do we set boundaries with our co-workers when we want to maintain a professional relationship?  Check out Michelle’s response with Sue Deyell and Andrew Schultz on 770 CHQR Global News Radio.

Arete HR is a Canadian wide Employee Assistance Provider with a strong partnership with Workplace Fairness West.  Michelle spoke with them about the strength of vulnerability at work in their Head Forward Podcast series.

Group Coaching

Michelle has previously partnered with LevellingUp , an organization working to equip future leaders by connecting them with proven Sages in ways that are interactive, readily accessible, effective for growth, and affordable to all.  Her session focused on Navigating Difficult Conversations with Stakeholders. Check out the video below for a sneak peek.

Podcasts & Important Videos

HR Shop Talk is a HR podcast delving into all things HR.  Michelle has shared her thoughts with host Andrea Adams on the following topics:

Psychological Health & Safety
Workplace Restoration: Resolving Workplace Conflict
Municipality Webinar: Overcoming Challenges and Building a Culture of Respect
Post-Investigation: Supporting Employees in the Aftermath
From the WorkPlace Fairness Newsletter

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Workplace Mediation & Being Proactive With Workplace Conflict

Are interpersonal conflicts between your employees causing you stress and impacting productivity?  Have your continuous efforts to manage this situation been unsuccessful?

Interpersonal conflicts occur in every workplace. Organizations that have systems in place to address conflict are proactive, supporting employees to make good decisions about next steps in managing and resolving conflict.

Through assessment, mediation and coaching Workplace Fairness West works with organizations of all types to ensure sound management of interpersonal employee conflict to strengthen working relationships and enhance productivity. Employers who choose the appropriate path for resolving difficult situations save time and money and can ease stress ensure productive and efficient workplaces in the workplace.

Learn more about how we can help with workplace conflict by clicking here.

We have been very busy supporting organizations to improve psychological health and safety.  Training focusing on communication, conflict, change and respectful workplaces is paramount. We are currently supporting a team in a municipality, through facilitation and coaching, to restore harmony after a difficult workplace situation. We are providing on-going support to a non-profit to provide systems to ensure a safe, independent, and proactive avenue for resolving complaints and conflict.

Call us today to learn how we can help you with your specific situation.

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