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“Everything we do is in service of our needs. When this one concept is applied to our view of others, we’ll see that we have no real enemies, that what others do to us is the best possible thing they know to do to get their needs met.”

Marshall Rosenberg
Author, Non-Violent Communication, A Language of Life 2003
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Are interpersonal conflicts between your employees causing you stress and impacting productivity?  Have your continuous efforts to manage this situation been unsuccessful?

Interpersonal conflicts occur in every workplace. Organizations that have systems in place to address conflict are proactive, supporting employees to make good decisions about next steps in managing and resolving conflict.

Through assessment, mediation and coaching, Workplace Fairness West supports organizations of all types to ensure sound management of interpersonal employee conflict to strengthen working relationships and enhance productivity. Employers who choose the appropriate path for resolving difficult situations save time and money and can ease stress ensure productive and efficient workplaces in the workplace.

Respectful Workplace Interactions

Workplace Fairness supports organizations when there have been gaps in Respectful Workplace Interactions.  We can help individuals understand where there interactions fall on the continuum (click below) and how to respond as a target or bystander.

Workplace Fairness Assessment 

A 360 review of existing conflict management systems involving appropriate staff and stakeholders to determine pressure points and suggestions for improvement. To learn more about the Workplace Fairness Assessment, please visit our partner website:

Workplace Fairness Assessment

Interpersonal Mediation

Facilitating conversations involving individuals in conflict to assist them in improving mutual understanding and/or communication and identifying strategies to resolve work-related conflicts. Mitigates risk of escalating conflict, eases workplace stress and ensures fair treatment for all involved 

Conflict Coaching 

Conferring with individuals experiencing conflict (e.g., interpersonal disputes, concerns about perceived unfair treatment). Assist individuals in identifying and reviewing possible options to empower staff to resolve their own disputes. Coaching helps employees identify their concerns, seek appropriate solutions and gain skills for managing emotions and understanding themselves in conflict.  Building insight and awareness is a foundational first step towards positive changes in behaviour.

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