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october, 2024

10octAll DayCONFLICT RESOLUTION FOR THE WORKPLACE (2 Days)Presented in conjunction with Chinook Learning Services - Calgary Board of Education

Event Details

Effective conflict resolvers are not born – they need training and practice. In this technological age, people often find it difficult to communicate face to face and there exists the very real possibility for miscommunication and conflict. Build your skills as an effective conflict resolver and communicator. Learn to recognize conflict patterns, what triggers and escalates conflict in others, strategies to reduce defensiveness, how to communicate in a direct manner and provide feedback constructively.

These skills will help you work more productively and effectively with clients, colleagues and supervisors. Successful collaboration helps you and the other party find creative solutions that will meet both your needs. See Course Outline.

Instructor: Mark Donovan, Associate Workplace Fairness West



All Day (Thursday)


Chinook Learning Services

2336 - 53 Avenue SW Calgary AB T3E 1L2


Workplace Fairness West

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