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Respectful Workplace Continuums

When I’m working in organizations I’m often asked if behaviours are crossing the line or if people are bullying others.  Referring to respectful workplace policies is always a first go-to, but often these policies are not explicit enough for employees to understand where the line is.

I thought I would share some information that was developed through Workplace Fairness and other organizations to bring a bit more clarity to this issue.  These different continuum’s provide a reference for employees and organizations to gauge behaviours effectively.

Respectful Workplace Continuum’s (2 pages)

Many studies recognize that conflict can contribute to disrespectful behaviour in working relationships, and that disrespectful behaviour can be a precursor to harassment and bullying.  Ensure your employees have options to resolve conflict early and successfully to ensure behaviours remain collaborative and respectful.  Informal conflict resolution options such as mediation, facilitation and an Ombuds Office, Fairness Office or Respectful Workplace office are effective.






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