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Workplace Fairness Champions

We have established a working group designed to support professionals through facilitated conversation and coaching to design and implement a Workplace Fairness plan.

  • Do you want to foster a culture of fairness in your team or organization by strengthening open dialogue, collaboration, engagement and respect?
  • Are you an HR professional, senior leader, small business owner, team leader or thought leader?
  • Have you found that traditional training courses are not meeting your needs?
  • Do you want to implement a program that will significantly and positively impact your work environment

Join Michelle Phaneuf and Marjorie Munroe, Alberta Co-Directors of the Workplace Fairness Institute, for monthly learning and confidential dialogue with peers from across industries.  Michelle and Marjorie are committed to working with organizations to enhance and foster a culture of fairness.

A new topic will be covered every 3 weeks.

  • Engaging employees
  • Improving working relationships
  • Managing change
  • Exploring workplace respect
  • Strengthening diversity

Workplace Fairness Champions will meet every 3 weeks for 5 breakfast sessions (7:30 –9:30) and 1 afternoon session (1:00-4:00) beginning April 10, 2013.

Through six facilitated sessions, each Workplace Fairness Champion will receive:

  • · An opportunity for creative, innovative and confidential dialogue with peers across industries.
  • Increased knowledge on the principles and benefits of Workplace Fairness (WF).
  • Support and input from peers and facilitators to develop a WF plan, and to be held accountable for its phased implementation after each session.
  • Coaching to overcome obstacles encountered during the WF plan implementation.

Join a working group of lifelong learners committed to holding each other accountable to defining and implementing a customized plan.

Program Details:

 Investment: $695 for six group sessions

  • Program will begin  April 10, 2013
  • Program will be flexible and responsive to your needs


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Receive The Conflict Toolbox Series

The conflict toolbox series is a series of four emails with each one including a tool for your conflict resolution toolbox. After we send you the four tools, we will send you our monthly newsletter. We will always ask before sending anything else!

Your Conflict Toolbox Is On It's Way! Thank you for subscribing and we hope you enjoy the free tools!

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